Download Game Train Simulator 2016 Full Version for PC direct part link crack by codex work. Train Simulator 2016 PC Game is a simulation style games designed and built by Dovetail Games recently by the company Dovetail Games – Trains been released for the PC platform. 4 Cosmetic path that is designed to finally enjoy the 2016 version. RIVIERA EXETER track railway that connects to KINGSWEAR, to showcase the golden age of steam.
You must use your skills to evaluate the Castle Class or GWR 4073, heralded as the most powerful diesel locomotive built in 1923 is known. In 1950 this route one of the most challenging tracks for drivers becomes locomotives. COLOGNE WEST RHINE the path to the railway travels KOBLENZ, Mnazrsh something that is hard for drivers to take leave of line. This route is parallel to the Rhine River and spectacular views for travelers to showcase.
The only railway line that in addition to the transport of passengers it is also used for other services. Along the route there is a historic castle which has become a tourist attraction. SHERMAN HILL rail lines is another day in which thousands of tons of cargo is moved. Sherman Hill, a North American transportation route between Cheyenne and Laramie is 60 miles away is connected. South Region Coal NORFOLK last track on this release.
Game Information
- Game Name: Train Simulator 2016
- Genre: Simulation
- Developer: Dovetail Games
- Publisher: Dovetail Games – Trains
- Release 12 Jul, 2009
Train Simulator 2016 Free Download
System Requirements
- OS:Windows® Vista / 7 / 8
- Processor:Processor: 2.8 GHz Core 2 Duo (3.2 GHz Core 2 Duo recommended), AMD Athlon MP (multiprocessor variant or comparable processors)
- Memory:2 GB RAM
- Graphics:512 MB with Pixel Shader 3.0 (AGP PCIe only)
- DirectX®:9.0c
- Hard Drive:6 GB HD space
- Sound:Direct X 9.0c compatible
- Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection
- Additional:Quicktime Player is required for playing the videos
Cara Instal
- Matikan antivirus dan windows defender terlebih dahulu
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Makasih. Cocok buat PC Gaming saya
makassih min
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– Extract
– Burn or mount the .iso
– Run setup.exe and install
– Copy crack from CODEX dir to install dir
– Play 🙂
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